Abdulkadir - Camden Careers

Abdulkadir's Story

Abdulkadir's Story


Working here is absolutely beautiful. It’s vibrant, welcoming and multicultural.

Abdulkadir's Story

I’m a Camden boy.

After university, I got together with my mates to set up fun activities for teenagers with nothing to do in the summer holidays. We applied for funding from Camden Council and it was really successful – about 150 kids and young adults took part. I won an award for exceptional work for young people. My photograph was on posters at bus stops, on council facilities – everywhere! That got me thinking about a job at Camden, and when the right job came along, I applied. 

I worked for twelve years in the integrated youth service. It was a really dynamic role, approaching and engaging with young people in their own settings: on the high street, on estates, in the local parks – that kind of thing. This was hard-to-reach kids, suspicious of my motives, who weren’t using council facilities and had no idea of the various clubs, sports centres or training opportunities available. I’d give them the information they needed and help them open up, step up and get involved. 

My new post is totally unique.

In fact, it’s the only project of its kind happening anywhere in the UK. It’s an absolutely brilliant initiative from Camden. It came from the management, but they 100% trusted my experience to help shape it. 

I work with the police and speak to young people in custody.

These are youngsters who might spend up to 16 hours at the police station before they’re released or charged. I chat with them, figure out how they’re feeling and help them stay calm during that crisis moment. We’ve helped 200 young people already and there are local authorities up and down the country asking us how we do it.  

I recently worked with a young man who had never been arrested before. He was really emotional when I met him. Over time, we worked on his goals, aims and interview techniques, and he’s now started a new job. That’s the best feeling.

Working here is absolutely beautiful. It’s vibrant, welcoming and multicultural. Camden is admired and respected not only in London, but nationally and internationally. It’s just brilliant. There are so many benefits to working here, including support, encouragement and professional development. I recently completed a Youth Justice course. I told my managers I wanted to do it, and they made it happen. 

Outside of work, I’m massively into sport.

I’m a rugby coach, a football coach and an FA referee. I’ve got six games this weekend! It’s nice when I can combine this with getting community members involved in sport, or helping young people sign up to be referees or coaches.  

I’ve spoken to colleagues from different parts of the country who’ve had major hits in terms of cuts. I think it’s Camden’s rebellious spirit that’s kept our youth services going. There’s this amazing drive and these amazing initiatives that keep Camden stable. We’ve been rebellious and resilient during really difficult times.